Time Flies ... it sure does!! And here we are in January, starting off a new year ... and remembering that time flies so fast!! We are so excited here at The Mixed Media Monthly Challenge to have an amazing sponsor and designer, Cheryl Boglioli! She is offering an amazing PRIZE!! Please be sure to check out her blog and then join us in our challenge this month!!
And here is my project!! I wanted to use this picture of my family because I love it and to me it just makes me stop and think how fast time flies. I just want to capture the time in a bottle!!
I started out with paint and crackle paste smeared onto a wooded scrap with a credit card!

I printed out images of clocks onto tissue paper and glued them down with matte medium. I actually really liked the project at the point and considered stopping ... but I didn't, I just kept adding layers!!
I added some paper, the picture and embellishments and finished it off with a favorite quote onto the paper pieces!
Now, go and enjoy the moment while time flies, visit Cheryl's page and join in The Mixed Media Monthly Blog Challenge!